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Zodiac Nature2 DuoClear 130 Replacement Cartridge


This is a replacement cartridge for any Nature2 System or Duo Clear Saltwater System, for pools of max 130,000L pool volume.

The Zodiac DuoClear 130 Replacement Cartridge has a lifespan of about 6 months. Do not use the cartridge after 6 months of continuous use. Not replacing your cartridge when required will lead to your pool not being adequately sanitized by chlorination alone. The Zodiac DuoClear 130 Replacement Cartridge requires an adequate amount of residual silver that is provided by the cartridge in order to effectively sanitize your pool.

  • Warranty: all Zodiac DuoClear 130 Replacement cartridges come with a six-month limited manufacturer's warranty.

Simply remove old cartridge filter and replace with new.

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