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Natural Chemistry Spa PhosFree


Spa PhosFree is the more effective phosphates removal chemical.

Containing revolutionary technology, specifically formulated from lanthanum compounds and engineered for hot tubs.

Simply add Spa Phosfree to skimmer at start up or on a weekly basis to maintain and reduce your phosphate levels too close to zero and enjoy and algae free spa.

  • No phosphate build up
  • No algar guaranteed
  • Less filter maintenance
  • Less cleaning and vacuuming
  • Less spa maintenance
  • Boosts any sanitizer program
  • 100& safe and non-toxic

Dosage Chart

Dose per 10,000 gallons (38,000L)

Phosphate LevelPHOSfree Dosage
300ppb or less0.5L or 16oz
600ppb1L or 32oz
900ppb1.5L or 48oz
1200ppb2L or 67.6oz

Designed to balance spa water

  1. Clean or backwash filter
  2. Determine appropriate dose *see chart
  3. Prior to application, shake bottle. Turn on circulation pump and add dose to skimmer
  4. Keep filter running continuously for 48 hours without cleaning or backwashing
  5. Backwash/Clean filter after 48 hours. Reset phosphate levels and repeat 1-5 if needed

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