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Quick Drain Spa Draining Device


QuickDrain was made to make draining your hot tub and spa more time efficient. As a spa owner you know you have to drain your hot tub every 6-8 weeks. Say goodby to this slow and frustrating process thanks to QuickDrain.

Prior to QuickDrain, a typical hot tub could take up to 3 hours to drain. Often leaving debris that owners have to hand remove.

With QuickDrain you can now drain your hot tub in just over 30 mins. The added benefit? You can vacuum your hot tub as it drains! QuickDrain works as fast as a submersible pump. Maneuver it around to vacuum up debris as it drains.

Say goodbye to the frustration process of draining your hot tub. With QuickDrain your hot tub will be debris free and drained in just 30 mins.


  • Safe: Works in all weather. No electricity is needed
  • No Set Up: Shipped fully assembled. No hook ups or set up required
  • Easy To Use: Shake to prime and you are draining! Forget "towel out debris" now you can vacuum as it drains
  • Speed: QuickDrain is the fastest way to drain your spa, hot tub, and above ground pool

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