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Beachcomber Purezyme (1L)


PUREZYME™ is a conditioning microbial enzyme that is naturally formulated to reduce odours, remove scum and increase water clarity and efficiency of your sanitizer by displacing film accumulation and formation.

Use as part of your weekly preventative maintenance program

  • For a Scrum Free Hot tub
  • Disrupts Biofilm Accumulation
  • Extends the life of your Microfilter
  • Improves Water Clarity

When products like lotions, oils, dirt and fat are released from your pores in the water they can begin to build up on the side of your hot tub, clogging your filter and forming a scum line. The end result is a hot tub with odour, poor filtration and cloudy water.

Purezyme is formulated with natural sources of enzymes and 100% biodegradable. It can easily break down these organic contaminants to remove odor, eliminate scum and improve the water clarity in your hot tub.

Using natural enzymatic action Purezyme can keep your hot tub water sparkly and clear.


  • Add Beachcomber Purezyme at night to allow for it to work undisturbed for 6-8 hours
  • For better circulation set filtration cycles
  • Avoid adding Purezyme and shocking together.

Start Up:

  • Per 1000L of hot tub water add 100 ml of Beachcomber Purezyme

Weekly Maintenance:

  • Once a week or as needed, add 100 ml of Purezyme for every 1000 L of hot tub water

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