The Right Time to Close Your Pool for the Winter
If you’re wondering when the right time to close your pool for the winter, there are a number of considerations to think about. Clearly, what’s suitable for the homeowner in Vancouver is not going to be suitable for the homeowner in Montreal. The common denominator for every pool owner will be the weather – and that will dictate the right time to close your pool for the winter.
Avoid closing your pool too early in the season
When you’re considering the right time to close your pool for the winter, what’s most important is not to close the pool too early. Many pool owners don’t realize that closing too early can be problematic. If the weather is too warm, the demand on pool chemicals may be too much. Even worse, the winter chemicals designed to protect the pool may not stay fully in place until spring. Timing is an essential component when closing down the swimming pool. Good timing will allow the winterizing chemicals to perform at peak, preventing algae from developing. The idea of proper timing is to ensure the very best pool opening for the following spring. If the local weather is forecasted to stay warm, the pool should stay open until water temperature goes below 15° C. In terms of pool closing procedures, pool water should be appropriately tested by a pool expert. This ensures that winterizing chemicals will be added in proper volume. While all of this can be handled by an experienced pool owner, it’s absolutely essential to follow instructions provided by the pool manufacturer. As well, product specifications for pool chemicals must be observed. In deciding about the right time to close your pool for the winter, working with an established pool company does have advantages. They have all the right equipment and supplies. They have the right winterization chemicals. And they have valuable advice when you need troubleshooting. Beyond the timing, the advantages of contracting a pool professional shouldn’t be undervalued. The bottom line when closing a swimming pool is to do it right – it’s a sign of good maintenance and will set the stage for an easy pool opening next season. In regions like Toronto and Montreal, where fall weather can be unpredictable, closing the swimming pool too early may cause issues to linger throughout the winter – and that could have negative ramifications in the spring time.
There’s no real “perfect” time to close your pool
There is no “best time” to close a swimming pool for the season. There are many different factors and many different influences. For pool professionals, the industry standard remains - try and open your swimming pool early – and try to close your pool late (there’s a lot of merit in this). Professionals recommend closing the pool when the water temperature is steadily below 15° C. At this temperature, bacteria, microorganisms, and algae can’t develop. If you do close your pool too early, and water temperature is too warm, there’s a good chance of a “green pool” in spring. In spring, a “green pool” will demand a lot of extra maintenance and more pool chemicals to clean things up. That’s exactly why it’s so important to choose the right time to close your pool for the winter. In fact, there may also be some maintenance required during the winter and early spring. Like everything around the house, it’s better to do things right the first time. Whether you decide to go professional or close your pool personally, timing and process are key to success. Doing it right makes for a pool opening in springtime that is low maintenance, stress free, and enjoyable.
If you’re doing it all yourself – here’s what to do
Depending on climate and weather, closing down the pool will vary from location to location. The basics, however, will be the same, and the main premise is all about using a preventive approach. Cleaning the pool thoroughly is always step one. Here, you can use a pool brush (with a telescope pole) to scrub the pool walls and pool floor, getting into every possible nook and cranny you can. Testing the water can be a DIY effort (with a water test kit) or a professional test by a pool expert. Some pool companies offer water sampling simply by taking a sample into a retail store location. Winterizing chemicals are essential in ensuring proper maintenance through the winter season. Here again, based on manufacturer specifications, this can be either a DIY effort or professional. It’s important to lower pool water level if the winter weather is below freezing. This will prevent potential damage. If there’s a thaw in the weather, it would be a good idea to check water levels. Also important is to clean the filter mechanism and pump system. Leaving debris or bacteria sitting in the system is not a good idea. It’s best to launch the next pool season with a clean filter. Removing and storing pool accessories ensures long life. There’s no reason to leave anything lying around – there will be damage and rusting, both of which will require extra work and cost. Shocking the pool, another important step, is not a particularly difficult process, but it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s product specifications to ensure success and to avoid any problems. By any definition, installing a swimming pool cover is a must during the off-season. Here, there are many options to choose from, all depending on pool size, features, and homeowner budget.
With pool closing, a professional approach may be best
Seaway Pools & Hot Tubs provides expert pool closing services for the winter season, and expert pool opening for the following season. In house pool professionals will advise when it’s the right time to close your pool for the winter and provide service from end to end. Seaway Pools & Hot Tubs does it right the first time – from supplying winter chemicals, to doing required repairs, to preparing the pool for a hassle-free opening. Find out more by calling 905-294-8030 or visit the company website at .