Having a pool in your home is like having a vacation everyday. But to ensure the safety of your children, layers of protection should be but in place to maintain your family’s safety. According to a report by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), drowning is the number two leading cause of accidental death among Ontario children under 5-years old; 76% of children who drown are not actually swimming, but playing near pools or other bodies of water. It’s possible for children to drown in as little as 2.5 centimetres of water, so it’s extremely important to do everything possible to keep them safe.The best protection for your children is to have adult supervision. Never leave your children unattended at the pools, it could be a matter of seconds between life or death. It is recommended by the Lifesaving Society to have supervision ratio of at minimum an adult for every two young children, and an adult for each baby in and around the pool. But simply watching them from far away will not give you enough time to react when accidents do happen. For toddlers, adults should be in the water and within arm’s reach to provide “touch supervision”.
We are all human, so we are all easily distracted. To aid you in creating the safest environment, there are many other forms of protection you may install in your household. Pool fences that completely seal off the pool and separate it from the house should be set up to prevent children from entering the pool on their own. There should also be an underwater alarm system to alert parents immediately if something happens. Also consider installing an automatic pool cover to enclose the body of water when not in use. Keep the toys away from the pool when it’s not playtime, so your children are not allured.
The best and fastest way to help your children protect themselves is to enrol them in swimming lessons. Some studies show that children under 4 is unable to swim on their own; however, you can search for community programs that build on water confidence and teach parents more about water safety. But even then, it does not mean your children are completely safe on their own. Adults should still be nearby to supervise. Parents should also know how to swim and learn First Aid and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), so they will know how to respond correctly in case of emergencies.
If you have more questions regarding the types of fences, underwater alarm systems, or other forms of protection for pool safety, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Seaway Pools & Hot Tubs, we’ve had many years of experience and expertise in creating the perfect pool for each family. So feel free to book an appointment today at 905-294-8030, or our toll free number 1-888-494-8030, or by email at online@seawaypoolsntubs.com